Eydehavn Green Ammonia (EGA)
North Ammonia’s flagship project, “EGA”, is located in Arendal, Southern Norway. The site was selected in early 2021 as part of the establishment of North Ammonia as a Joint Venture.
Eydehavn, the municipal port controlled by Arendal, is strategically positioned in the Skaggerak Ocean in Northern Europe. The production plant will be located near the quay side and will have an annual production capacity of up to 150 000 metric tonnes of green ammonia. With this capacity, annual GHG emissions may be reduced with up to 300 000 tCO2eq.
The Partners
Grieg Edge, a fully owned company of Grieg Maritime Groiup (a large family-owned shipping company with roots to the 1800s) has vast experience from maritime transportation, and are actively engaged in developing new sustainable ventures. With their new planned green ammonia distribution vessel, MS Green Ammonia, they aim to provide the maritime industry with green ammonia.
The port of Arendal has a strategic ambition of making green fuels available for vessels which call the port, to support the EU climate target plan, EU ETS, and FuelEUMaritime. Additionally, the region is one of the fastest growing in Norway, with new green initiatives being estabslihed, opening for significant synergies and value chain optimization.
North Ammonia is an ambitious green ammonia supplier with strong industrial owners. At Eydehavn, North Ammonia will develop, build, own and operate the green ammonia production facility and associated infrastructure.
Vergia, a company established by Arendals Fossekompani (AFK) and now fully owned by Swiss Life Asset Managers, is one of North Ammonia’s two owners, and has a strong presence in renewables and infrastructure investments.
The Project
Eydehavn will have an exponential growth in port calls over the next five years, representing a significant demand for green ammonia at the site, offering zero deviation for the customers and no intermittent transport.
The port is one of Norway’s closest ports to Europe and thereby faciliatates an efficient export route for green ammonia towards Northern European end-users.
Final Investment Decision (FID) is targeted in 2026, subject to final project permits received. The Commercial Operations Date (COD) is expected in 2029 following facility commissioning.
The facility will be grid connected, with renewable power supply of up to 171 MW. The annual production capacity is up to 150 000 metric tonnes.
Eydehavn is home to industrial facilities and has been so for decades. In fact, the port is named after Sam Eyde, one of Norway’s industrial pioneers and the founder of both Norsk Hydro and Elkem.
Based on the existing industrial facilities at Eydehavn, infrastructure is already in place and North Ammonia will leverage this infrastructure to fast-track project development.
Key infrastructure avaiable are:
High voltage power grid
Local site substations near the planned ammonia facility
Existing jetty and support docks
Water access, office buildings, lay-down areas and more