Slagen Energy Hub

On June 24th 2022 Esso Norge AS (part of ExxonMobil), Grieg Edge AS, GreenH AS and North Ammonia AS entered signed a Memorandum of Understanding to study the potential production and distribution of green hydrogen and ammonia for lower emission marine fuels at Esso Norge’s Slagentangen terminal at the East Coast of Norway.

The partnership will explore the potential for production of up to 20 000 metric tonnes per year of green hydrogen and up to 100 000 metric tonnes per year of green ammonia distribution – making the Slagen terminal also a hub for lower-emission shipping fuels.

Visit Slagen Energy Hub to learn more.

The Partners

  • Grieg Edge has great experience from maritime transportation, and are actively engaged in developing new sustainable ventures. With their new green ammonia distribution vessel, MS. Green Ammonia, they aim to provide the maritime industry with sustainable fuels.

  • GreenH is a Norwegian pioneer in developing green infrastructure for hydrogen. At Slagen Energy Hub, they aim to leverage their expertise within green hydrogen and study the potential of producing green hydrogen at Slagen.

  • Esso has a long and proud history in Norway and has delivered high quality products and services for 130 years. In 2021 the refinery at Slagen was converted into a fuels terminal. The Slagen terminal continues to provide liquid fuels to its customers and has the ambition to also provide tomorrows fuels to current and new customers. Esso Norge AS is an affiliate of ExxonMobil Corporation in the USA.

    ExxonMobil, one of the largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world's growing energy needs. ExxonMobil is committed to meeting society’s needs for products essential to modern life, providing reliable energy and investing in a lower-emission energy system for tomorrow.

  • North Ammonia is an ambitious green ammonia supplier with strong industrial owners. At Slagen Energy Hub, they aim to leverage their green ammonia and maritime expertise, and study the opportunities for a green ammonia distribution terminal.

The Project

  • Esso Norge’s Slagen facility is located at the inlet of the Oslo Fjord, where more than 10,000 ships pass every year, making it a highly suitable location for a distribution hub.

  • The project is currently in the feasibility phase. The project aims to produce 10 tonnes daily of green hydrogen and to distribute up to 100 000 tonnes of green ammonia per year in 2027/28. In the following phases, the project will focus on scaling up the production volumes of green hydrogen and ammonia, with potential of up to 50 tonnes per day of green hydrogen and up to 200 000 tonnes of green ammonia. This phase will require large amounts of renewable power and a rapid ramp-up in the green hydrogen and ammonia demand.

  • In 2021, Esso Norge closed down its industrial petroleum refinery at Slagen, after 60 years of operation. The large storage facility is now used as a terminal that loads, unloads, and distributes fuels.

    The site remains fully operational and has several key infrastructure components in place which enables fast-tracking the project development and reducing the infrastructure scope for the execution phase.

    Key infrastructure avaiable are:

    • Power grid with sufficient capacity for phase 1

    • Local site substations near hydrogen and ammonia facilities

    • Existing jetty and support docks

    • Water access, office buildings, lay-down areas and more

Artist impression of Slagen Energy Hub


Eydehavn Green Ammonia


Fjord Base